Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Carla has surgery and 2 week stay in Lincoln NE.

Well, after the last entry into this Blog, we did help Stacy move into her new home.
On Monday 11-05, Carla went in for the scheduled check-up. A 75% blockage was found in an artery in front of the heart. Normally procedure is to insert a stent. While trying to get the stent in they ran into a turn and cut the artery wall. At that time ONLY an emergency open heart bypass will save her life. Carla was transferred to another operating room and had the operation there. The time frame is all fuzzy now but I think it all started about 3PM and I know she went into the open heart part at 7PM. 7PM just happened to be the nurses shift change and I think that set back the op for a short time. When Carla got back to her hospital room it was almost 10PM. (The room was also intensive care)
Stacy had called her sister Ronda and told her about the emergency op. Ronda who lives in Mexico City was in New York City. (Mike and Ronda Rock and their 16 year old son had gone to NYC for a Nicks game on Sat., Jet/Redskin game on Sunday and a soccer game on Monday eve.) Actually Stacy had to text message Mike who was at the soccer game who had to call Stacy and tell her he would tell Ronda as soon as he and Jimmie got back to the Hotel. (Mike's Blackberry has international calling but Ronda's cell does not. Mike is the only one who can call internationally. His phone also does email. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT THROGHOUT THE NEXT TWO WEEKS)
By Tuesday morning Carla is awake, doctor says doing very well but she is on pain pills and droggy. Stacy has taken off work, got her kids (Paige 15 years 11 months, and Michael 12-1/2) to school and on the way to the hospital. I am going to Omaha to pickup Ronda at the airport. Mike had switched Ronda's airline ticket back to Mexico
to a ticket to Omaha on Monday and a ticket to Mexico on Thurs or Friday (I can't remember which day now and you'll know why by the time this is over)
Wed. morning the kids are in school, Ronda and Stacy are at the hospital visting Mom and I am getting ready to head for the hospital. Stacy and kids have a Golden Retriever, Benjamin that stays in the house at night and runs outside during the daytime. As I start to let Benjee outside I can see him chewing on something that turns out to be Ronda's passport.
----- I will have to finish this later but Carla is home doing fine and Ronda is back in Mexico by now, I think -----

Friday, November 2, 2007

Carla's New Top

Dennis Mason and I are going to Goodson Auto Trim, in Manhattan to pickup Carla's convertible that has had a new top installed. We had taken it down there a week ago last Monday. Carla will drive it to Lincoln for the weekend but probably won't get to put the top down. I'll ride the bike and it should be nice enough weather for that in the afternoons at least.
(It is 7:35 AM now. The BLOG time differs. It may be PDT?)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Getting ready for the weekend to help Stacy's move and Carla's doctor appointment Monday.

Carla has an appointment for Monday at the Heart Institute at Lincoln. They will do that dye test for plugged arteries. She will not stay overnight unless they have to install a stint.
Stacy will be moving Friday eve and Saturday. We'll go up tomorrow (Friday) and help her. Because of Carla's doctor's appointment we'll spend the weekend.

Tuesday evening Mike Greory and I met Bob Roeder and rode to Centrailia where we met with Legion Riders from that area to rise the flag at the Centrailia High School Football Game. I think there were 9 of us and 8 bikes. I think Wayne Byers is missing from the photo.