Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fast Forward to Sept. Cassoday

Since I did not take time to write about my trip to Oklahoma two weeks ago and the trip to Milwalkee last week here's the scoop on a weekend trip by the Frontier H.O.G. chapter to the Harley Factory in Kansas City Sept 5 and a ride to Marquette Kansas an overnight in ElDorado KS and ride to Cassoday Sept 6-7. Actualy the ride to KC and the Kansas ride where two different rides both originating at Frontier Harley in Lincoln NE. I made it all one ride and also got Ronda to the Kansas City airport. Friday Carla and I took Ronda to the KCI airport to go back to Mexico City too! (that was another overnight. I rode the bike and Carla drove the car)
I had better add that Marquette Kansas has the Kansas Motorcycle Museum and Cassoday is just a "Biker Breakfast" that started 20? years ago with 5 bikes? and has morphed into a ride the first Sunday of each month that in which 1000's (3 to 5 thousand) bikes show up for whatever bikers do. (Except) There is no booze. This is the fifth one I have been to this year and 3 or 4 last year. I have NEVER heard an argument OR anone complaining about ANYTHING..... Can you tell I enjoyed this ride. (Normally it is a one day, 300 mile around trip ride from Marysville)
Pictures of Cassoday are added.....Pictures from My World....>

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