Sunday, June 22, 2008

Two weekends in Salina Kansas

Roger and Mary were planning on going to the Smoky Hill River Festival in Salina the weekend of June 14th and 15th and we were going to Salina for the Central City Street Rods Car Show June 20th and 21st. We decided to combine the two weekends so we could do a little motorcycle riding together. We rode together to the Riverfest and Carla and I had to come home Saturday afternoon for a Sunday dinner with Aunt Betty and her husband Rick. They were here from San Antonio visiting Mom.
Carla and I went back to Salina for the Cruise Friday night. Carla had taken Friday off from work and we drove the Studebaker up to Lincoln to pickup my bike. (Here's the story)
I had been having trouble keeping the clutch adjusted and while I was at Frontier Wed. afternoon they said they wanted to take it apart and look at it. I do have a service appointment scheduled for next Tuesday but they wanted to look at it NOW. After they took the primary case off I was informed the clutch was toast. It was too late Wed. to overnight parts from Milwaukee but they overnighted them Thursday. It took most of Friday to do the work after the parts arrived.
Carla and I got to Frontier around noon. About 1 o'clock we decided she would go head and drive the Stude to Salina and get registered for the cruise night then wait for me at Jim's or the staging area for the cruise. (Jim is my brother that lives in Salina and the main reason we got hooked up with the Salina carshow in the first place.) The bike could take until 5 to get done and I would come down as soon as possible.
While I was waiting I rode a Frontier Demonstrator. It was a 2008 Heritage and I liked it. Might have to make a Heritage my next scoot. As I was leaving the parking lot I met Dan and Leslie pulling in on their Road King. They had an appointment for service at 2 o'clock. Talked to them for a few minutes and they said they were going down to Salina with Roger and Mary the next day. (Saturday) COOL!
After a 50 mile ride and as I pulled in to park the Heritage, Chuck (a Frontier mechanic, maybe the best they have) (another story, Chuck and I have ridden together on a couple of HOG breakfast rides. One in particular I might have mentioned here earlier) was pulling in on my bike as he had been on a test ride. Everything looked and worked good. It was ready to go and only 4 o'clock. I take a leak, tell Dan and Leslie I'd see them tomorrow, call James and let him know I'm on my way.
It was 180 miles to Salina from Lincoln and the cruise starts at 7:30. Since I would take I-80 and US 81 South it is all 4 lane and the speed limit on 80 is 75 mph. I have plenty of time but it's nice the Studebaker is aready on it's way.
At a gas stop in Geneva, I called and Carla has made it. I arranged to meet Carla and Jim (and his wife Betty and their Avainti) at the host Motel and the start of the cruise. The trip was fantastic, the weather was perfect and I must have been an hour early for the cruise.
The cruise route was different than last year and that was neat. The route had been published in the local paper and in the penny press so there were people in their front yards everywhere we went.
The cruise ended at a BBQ back at the host Econo Motel (or what ever it was). That was good and we should remember who caters that as we would recommend them to anyone. The cars where parked for viewing and the whole thing was pretty impressive.
Saturday morning by the time we got the cars to Thomas Park and ate breakfast, Roger and Mary, and Dan and Leslie met us at the park.
After a look around the place we took off on our planned motorcycle ride to Marquette. The ride to Marquette was not long (maybe 40 miles) but the scenery was really nice. We took Old highway 40 west. We saw that good farmland of the Smoky Hill river bottom and the wheat was just about ready to cut. Next were rolling hills and then flint hills. We cut south and went across the Kanopolis Dam. Kanopopolis Lake was smaller than I had remembered. (Later found out that is where Salina gets 50% of their water) Right south of the dam was Kansas Highway 4 and a sign, Marquette 7 miles east.
We parked in front of the Kansas Motorcycle Museum and walked to the Valley Cafe to eat. After a good Roast Beef dinner we walked to Steve's British Motorcycle Museum. Next it was the main attraction for bikers in Marquette, the MUSEUM.
It's 8 miles east to Lindsberg and the shindig they are having with main blocked off for their Swedish festival and a Volvo carshow in the city park. After a look inside one of the giftshops and a ride around town it was time to get on the 4 lane and back to the Salina Car Show.
Back in Salina all of the show cars were there, we took some pictures, sat in the shade and talked for a while.
Roger and Dan and wives took off for home around 3:30 I think. Trophies were passed out at 4 (we didn't get any:-)) and we left shortly after. Carla drove the Stude to Jim's. I rode around a little before going back and did see some of the wheat harvest starting a few miles east of Salina.
After cleaning up and a little nap we ate at a neat place downtown. We went to bed early. Sunday after breakfast Carla drove the Stude home the normal route and I found a new way home on some back roads.
It was pretty early when I got home so went for a ride east to Fairview then down to Corning. I finally caught someone at the Bar/Grill in Corning and set up a date for the Legion Riders meeting there August 27.
I will be leaving Aug 26 for a ride to Milwaukee for the 105th Anniverary of Harley Davidson. Guess I'll miss that meeting.

Pictures of the Car Show are here:

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