Monday, August 3, 2009

104,000 miles in 33 months

As of today, Aug 3, 2009, I have ridden a total of 104,00 miles on the two Harleys in 1004 days. I have averaged 103.6 miles a day or 4.3 miles an hour since Nov 4, 2006.
__________________________________2009 Harley Softail_______________________ 2007 Harley Sportster________
The 2007 Sportster purchased Nov. 4, 2006 has 85,000 miles and the 2009 Softail purchased Nov. 4, 2008 has 19,00 miles as of today. I am planning to put a total of 100,000 miles on the Sportster and then retire it. That should happen next spring. There are trips planned for the Softail too. We'll use the Softail when Carla rides with me and the Sportster when I'm by myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was just flipping through some blogs and came across yours.

But, dude, that's amazing that you've ridden that much, I guess it really does add up over time.

So, I've gotta ask, what made you go with a Harley? I've just started learning to ride as of a couple of months ago and have only been on a couple of Ninjas and one BMW bik (not sure the make) and haven't been on a Harley yet.