Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday morning when your RETIRED!!

I woke up this morning about 8. My wife had got up at 4 and was at work at 5. I thought about her, I thought jez, she’s been up 4 hours and we put in a hard day of motorcycle riding yesterday. I did go back to sleep for a few minutes while I thought about painting the roof of the storage trailer.
It was a little after 9 and I had eaten a Hershey Bar and drank a Diet Pepsi for breakfast. (I started drinking Diet a few years ago when my Doctor told me 6 or 8 Regular Pepsis a day were not good for you.)
I had to go help my cousin put the cars back on his used car lot because we put them inside last night expecting a hailstorm. It would take longer today because my wife was at work today and wouldn’t be helping like she did when we put them away last night.
I was riding my motorcycle to the car lot when I heard my cell phone ringing. I knew it was my wife because she’s always calling while she’s got a break at 9:30. It was easier just to ride up to her workplace and talk to her than it was to stop and fight getting that phone out of my pocket. I forgot to ask her if she was tired but it’s probably just as well. I think I already know the answer and she didn’t have to think about it. (She is back on 10-hour days now.)
When I got to the car lot my cousin and Bud were looking at weather radar and it looked like another storm coming in from the west. We decided to leave the cars where they were.
Bud is a retired schoolteacher and owns some rental property. He does his own painting and repairs on the property. I asked Bud about the paint I was going to use on the storage trailer roof. I told him I was going to try to use the paint in a 5-gallon can that had been holding up the tongue of a boat trailer for the last 5 to 10 years. We talked about the stirring and other requirements. Then Bud said turn the can over for a couple of days.
I have turned that can over and I think I’ll let it set for 10 or 12 days to make sure.
Now it’s almost noon and my wife will come home and make me a sandwich for lunch. She only has a half-an-hour lunch break but enjoys time away from the workplace.
Don’t know yet what I’ll do this afternoon.

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