Saturday, March 29, 2008

6010 winter miles....

Today was the day to go to Lincoln and verify the miles for the 2007-2008 H.O.G. winter mileage program. After the 77 mile ride up there I had 6010 miles since Oct 30, 2007. The way home was 148 miles. Came back through Hickman, Holland, Panama, Adams, Sterling, Tecumsa, Pawnee City and DuBois before getting to Seneca Kansas. I was going down to Corning and back on K-9 but it started looking like it could rain so it was straight home. Stopped by the motorcycle park and since it had been a work day there, some guys were still there at 4:30. Chuck, Dan, Lynn, Dennis and I know I missed a couple more, were just getting ready to leave. Looked like they had done a good job of cleaning up. Forecast for rain next four days!!!!!

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