Monday, May 5, 2008

Greensburg KS, 1 year after Tornado

Yesterday, Sunday, May 4, 2008, Roger McGrath and I rode down to Greensburg to help dedicate a memorial for the victims who died from the tornado that struck the town one year ago. As it turned out President Bush was also coming to town so we got some double duty. President Bush gave a talk at the High School Graduation.
Roger and I along with another 500 (that's a guess) motorcycle riders and members of the American Legion Riders held flags for President Bush's motorcade.
It is close to 300 miles down there so I left at 6 AM and met Roger at the Pony Express corner at 6:15. It was 35 degrees in Marysville and 32 in Hanover so we had a COLD ride for a few hours. We got there about 11:30 and had a chance to ride around the town and look at the destruction still showing and see a local Car Show. Among the Shelby Mustangs, customs and street rods there was a car that really stood out. It was a small 1990's blue car that had been saved after the tornado, it was pretty well all beat up from the tornado but had a make shift windshield and no top and was entered in the show.
I saw 75 degrees on a bank thermometer somewhere on the way home. My NEW bike isn't new anymore as it rolled over 40,000 miles north of Salina. The ride overall was VERY GOOD and it was good to see a small town coming back to life and all of the support they have.

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