Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday Oct. 2

It was suppose to rain this morning so after messing around home until about 9, I rode to the shop (in Home City) and got the pickup. Picked up some tree limbs and bushes, around the house, that I had pruned last week. About 10 it started rain and by noon it had rained a couple inches. I had taken the new Studebaker registeration papers to Home City and while doing the 58 Hawk I saw the State had made the tag for a 60 Stude Convertible. That tag had been on that car in 2005 but had been transfered to the Hawk in 2005. The papers were right last year (2006) but screwed up this. I took the papers to the Court House and they were going to straighten them.
It's 1 o'clock the rain has stopped and the streets are drying up. The bikes in Home City so I go get it and take off for Mariette, Burns and DuBois NE (they're on my list of missing Been There towns). In DuBois I decide to start another Album of American Legion Post with my scoot.
It's to early to head home so I go east to Fairveiw and south on US75 to Kansas State Highway 9. Nine is always fun a I ride it a lot. Stopped in Vermillion and shot the bull with Daisy and the boys there. Daisy reminded me of the picture of Raymond (her dead husband) riding his Harley standing on the with his arms straight out. Taken in Colo in the 50's.
The rest of the ride was uneventful but the wind was out of the west blowing about 30 miles per hour. The gas mileage was great going east....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is great to have the wind at your back...!T